Top 5 sights of Stormarn
1 Stormarn's three-lakes-plateau Großensee, Lütjensee, Mönchsteich
Swimming, biking and hiking in this beautiful seascape
2 Ahrensburg -Hamburg's beautiful twin city (11 kilometres distance)
Visit the magnificent Ahrensburg palace and its gardens
3 Trittau - On the traits of Napoleon (3 kilometres away)
Napoleon's bridge at the Trittau's water mill
Also ideal for shopping
4 Great nature protection area Hahnheide (5 kilometres away)
Visit the "Langer Otto", a beautiful lookout on Stormarn's highest hill. On the banks of Hohenfelde to Stahmer's inn.
5 Village museum Hoisdorf (7 kilometres away)
Village life at its best. Tip: Stop-over at Siek's church.
Bad Oldesloe - Stormarn's regional capital (30 kilometres away)
The famous manor house Oldesloe-Blumendorf is worth a visit. Also see it's market place. Tip: Visit the Glacehaus - dining within a green house.
Basthorst - the property of the noble family Ruffin (11 kilometres away)
A cultural centre, with or without Vicky Leaondros; its markets and concerts are legendary.
German-Film-Production-Setting "Büttenwarder" (5 kilometres away)
This you find in Göhnwohld. The wire mill of Gröhnewohld is a historical monument.
Tremsbüttel castle and its garden (24 kilometres away)
Baroque park Jersbek (14 kilometres away)
Various mills in the area:
The water mill in Grande (5 kilometres away)
The windmill in Braake (6 kilometres away)
The windmill of Hamfelde is a nice restaurant now (6 kilometres away)
More interesting Objectives at Stormarn: